As we step into fall, the holiday vibes start to begin. Like every other year winter season is the most awaited season. From the aroma of the spiced pumpkin pie to the coziest charismas Eve, everything is so festive about this holiday season. In this time we reflect on our year, wrap up our pending work and gather with our friends and family. The holiday season comes with a lot of family dinners, movie nights, cheat days, and a lot of outings, meanwhile we often forget to take care of ourselves. We get so busy with the festivities that we get off track of our eating habits and skincare stuff.

Since we are still into this pandemic, I will be sharing with you some easy tips that you can follow to enjoy a healthier holiday season.

  1. Increase Vitamin B 12 into your diet

So as not to burden you with a whole list of dietary supplements, we will stick to something very basic and essential vitamin that can be consumed by the food we eat. The function of this vitamin is to keep blood cells and nerve cells healthy. This vitamin helps in making DNA in our cells and prevents blood anemia, weakness, and tiredness.

 All animal-origin products are rich in Vitamin B-12, so enjoy eating meaty feasts this holiday season. In case if you’re vegan, you can consume this vitamin from legumes. This nutrient is also essential for the reproduction of your skin cells. It’s helpful in healing acne, eczema, and dry skin.

  • Increase your Fluid Intake

I know you might have heard this million times how important water is to our body but the reason why we hear this all the time is that we never take it seriously. Our bodies are made up of more than 70% water so what that means is we need more liquids than solids to have a healthy body. Every organ in our body needs water to function properly. Have you ever had a headache because you never drank rough water the previous day? Have you ever noticed dry skin because you were not drinking water? Is your hair falling because you are dehydrated? Most of these problems are just resolved by increasing the water intake in your daily routine.

  • Vitamin C Rich Fruits

Have you ever wondered why winters come with all these citrusy fruits? Our bodies are more prone to infections and diseases during the cold winter season. All these citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C which helps boost and strengthen our immune system. It is rich in antioxidants that protect you from getting sick during the holiday season. A good quality vitamin C serum is an essential skincare product to restore the collagen production in your skin, reducing fine lines, wrinkles and letting your skin glow during the festive season.

  • Get your Covid-19 Shots

Last but not least, get both Covid shots before the holiday begins. You don’t want to ruin your and your family’s celebrations by spreading a virus that would destroy your happy moments. We all want to enjoy and cherish these festive moments with our family and for that, we must make sure to take care of the health of all our family members.

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