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Why does your skin overreact to natural care?

When your skin problems drag you out and ruin your life, spontaneously or on the recommendation of a loved one, you decide to try natural care. With the literature flourishing on the Internet, you are testing everything, and you are delighted with this return to nature. But unfortunately, it often happens that at the beginning of treatment, the condition of your skin worsens. This is called the “rebound effect”. This is very discouraging because in our society we are used to having everything, right away!

Don’t panic, it is normal and your skin will get a radiant glow.

Why do you expect quick results?

As you have noticed, we are conditioned in our consumer habits, without realizing it.

Indeed, the cosmetics industry, like the pharmaceutical or food industry, offers us “moisturizing” creams based on glycerin which attracts water towards the skin and is also based on kinds of paraffin with an occlusive effect, making us feel this immediate relief effect. But by preventing our skin from working properly, it becomes dry, as soon as it no longer has this chemically created “protection”.

Despite the application of treatment creams, your skin does not improve. Even on going to see a dermatologist, the problems return. And this is normal since the cause has not been treated

Good news: our body is a wonderful machine! It has all the possibilities to repair itself on the condition of giving it the right materials. And, as it is built every day also thanks to the molecules that we absorb in our food, let’s give priority to natural molecules!

But, the transition is often “painful”. We have to get our skin used to work on its own again. It has the ability and natural cosmetics will help you make it happen.

By becoming a Consumer Actor and turning to natural cosmetics,  you assume a change of state. Your skin needs time to get used to and resume good habits. For years, your skin has received creams with these occlusive and chemical molecules. But the condition of your skin has deteriorated so much that it may have accumulated problems (rosacea, dryness, dermatitis, acne, microcysts, intolerant skin, etc.)

What should you do?

Like your skin has been in a “chemical glut”. Like an overweight body, it should therefore be put on a diet.

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