5 Hydrating Tips for Your Skin: Stay Moisturized

The first thought that strikes your mind when you hear the word ‘hydrate’ is that of water. That is correct. Substances are said to be hydrated if they contain certain levels of water. Water is the cradle of life, it is impossible to live without water; I would say kudos to the designer of the universe because he made the earth full of water. Water covers over 70% of the earth’s surface. So we need water, our body, our skin… all need water.

Today Neutriherbs debunks the importance of water for your skin coming in handy with 5 easy tips to help you maintain the correct content of moisture on your skin, to overcome the problems associated with dry skin, in one package. Stay tuned, note the key tips, and apply them in your daily skincare routines, I guarantee the results will be insane! I will use plant examples to necessitate the need to keep your skin moisturized. Dehydrated plants are puffed up, or technically, they have required turgidity to keep them on their feet – firm. Without water plants are doomed, and so is your skin! The skin has an in-built lipid barrier that holds the water to keep the skin hydrated, turgid, and glowing. If the lipid is lost either through chemical reactions with improper cream or in any other way, then the skin will not be able to hold water since the barrier is eliminated.

Hydrated or Moisturized?

Before continuing, let us tell apart hydrating and moisturizing, these terms are often applied interchangeably but there is a modicum of variation in their actuality. While moisturizing is directed to the actual barrier that impedes loss of water, hydrating is focused on the water itself. The moisturizing effect is felt or seen when the skin brightens up.

5 Tips to keep your skin hydrated

Let’s examine 5 simple tips for staying hydrated.

1. Enrich your diet with avocado. The diet you take highly impacts the quality of your skin and moisture content. Eating avocado regularly improves the fat content of your body; the healthy fat contained in avocado adds moisture to your skin consequently giving your skin and hair an exquisite look.

2. Embrace foods rich in water content which include fruits and vegetables. A good example is a watermelon which has the high water content necessary for your skin’s turgidity and hydration.

3. Be sure to use moisturizer. Moisturizers maintain the skin in a state of hydration and prevent you from having dry and ugly skin. Specifically, water-based ones are the most effective for dry skin so make sure your arm your skincare arsenal with one.

4. Peel/exfoliate your skin regularly. Exfoliation removes some of the dead skin layers that hinder skincare products’ efficacy by interfering with the integration between the newly developing skin and the exfoliating chemicals or agents ingrained in the products. The products are designed to enhance skin quality by, amongst other reasons, hydrating the skin. So make it a point to peel your skin regularly.

5. Finally, ensure you use sunscreen. Sunscreen reduces the exposure of skin to sunlight hence limiting water loss by evaporation. So, there you go. Other tips that might come in handy in the same quest for optimum skin hydration are using skincare products enriched with Aloe Vera and maintaining the right skincare routine. Stay Hydrated!

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