Why is it important to remove makeup daily?
Leaving makeup on the face until the next day has negative consequences on our skin. For this reason, the habit of removing make-up every night should be introduced into our beauty routines as one more important point to consider.
With this, we will be eliminated, in addition to the remains of the products that we have applied, all the dirt, residues, and impurities that our skin has been accumulating throughout the day. The pores will be open and clean and the oxygenation of the dermis will be favored.
And why at night?
It is during this time that cells regenerate. If the skin is dirty when this occurs, the aging process can be accelerated, wrinkles and blackheads will appear and the skin will lose luminosity and freshness. It will be dull and lifeless.
To remove makeup properly you must use suitable products for this, it will not be enough to wash your face with soap and water, because you will not be completely removing the makeup from your face or the dirt. Depending on your skin type, the use of one type of makeup remover or another will be more appropriate.
According to a study, 30% of women do not remove their makeup before going to bed. The researchers stated that leaving these cosmetic residues on the skin overnight could lead to blemishes, dry skin, and brittle eyelashes.
At the end of an experiment of spending a month without removing her make-up, a woman found that her skin was 20% drier and more damaged, her pores were more prominent, and her skin had suffered premature aging for 10 years.
Makeup and its waste
Daily makeup and pollution that stays on the skin throughout the day clogs the pores and prevents adequate cell regeneration, something that can be associated with the appearance of acne. If you remove makeup correctly every day you will be preventing its arrival. On the other hand, preventing this cell regeneration causes the skin to become dehydrated and lose elasticity.
It is essential, in short, that you acquire the perseverance to remove make-up every night so that your skin can look in perfect condition and is healthy. Let the makeup remover soak into your face so it can do its job. To finish the process, nothing better than a moisturizing night cream, which also, having clean skin, will penetrate better and have a better effect on your dermis.