Identifying Different Skin Types and Skincare Tips

Identifying Different Skin Types and Skincare Tips

What is your skin type? If you don’t know, you have been using skincare products wrongly. Ever wondered why skin treatment does not work on the skin? One of the reasons is that you are applying a product that is meant for dry face on oily face. The fact that there are different kinds of skin is info that everyone already knows. But, you probably don’t know what they are and how to care for them.

When treating the skin, having a good knowledge of what to do is vital for success. Trial and error are no longer necessary because you can access loads of information on the internet like this article. So, you don’t have excuses for using the wrong product anymore. Below are some skin health tips that will make you look good all the time.

Technically, classifying skin types are based on textures and color, but, for the sake of simplicity, only 4 types will feature here.

Normal Skin:

Normal skin is the best type, and if you have it, congratulation! It is the best skin type because it is not too oily or dry, but just right requiring moderate care. This skin type attracts little or no skin problems, no sensitivity, and obvious pores, just normal skin that ages naturally. People that fall into this skin category enjoy nonstop radiant-looking faces and bodies.

Having skin that gives little or no headache does not mean you should take the favor for granted. Instead, observe basic skincare routines like facial washing, cleansing, using of the sunscreen product, weekly exfoliation, creaming the eye, and moisturizing always.


Dry skin:

 IF your skin is dryer than normal, it is a sign that you have dry skin. For ideal dry skincare, use heavy moisturizers. Avoid utilizing any drying facial and body products. On your body, apply creams that contain moisturizers. And for your face, use facial moisturizing treatments like top-quality toner and high water retaining moisturizers.

Remember to use it the entire day and protect UV beams with sunscreen products. Exfoliate your skin weekly with soft exfoliating products. Because of your dry skin condition, you are prone to early aging. So avoid fast aging, fight it with anti-aging products; however, desist from overdoing it.

While external hydrating is ideal, do not forget to hydrate from the inside, eat lots of vegetables and fruits, and drink a load of liquid preferably water.

Oily skin:

Oily face constantly has that oily shine, and when you touch the skin, you will see a trace of oil on your fingertip. This is a sign of oily skin. How do you care for it? First, avoid constant washing of the face in an attempt to wipe off the oil because, believe it or not; it could lead to overproduction of oil.

What to do instead:

Wash two times daily using a soft cloth and apply a cleanser perfect for oily skin. Rub toner to stabilize the skin PH levels. Buy a high-quality toner moisturizing product that contains water. Even though your skin is oily, moisturizers are still necessary. The golden rule is to utilize products made for oily faces. Always buy oil-free skincare products like sunscreen skin, creams, and so on.

The fourth type of skin is combination skin:

This skin type sounds funny, but it is a fact that many people have this skin type. It simply means you have the finest of normal skin and the nastiest of dry skin, Avoid using high concentrated creams. Go for light toners and washes for your face. There is nothing wrong with using two moisturizers if you know how to apply them.

The two moisturizers should include one for your T-zone and dense moisturizers for the cheeks. Use hydrating masks for your cheeks if they are dry and for your T-zone, apply clarifying masks.

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