SKIN CARE,  skin care routine

Common skin issues caused by excessive cleaning

A clarifying cleansing gel appears in the morning and undoes all your hard work while your Skincare has been getting ready for the new day while you sleep. As a result, the following skin conditions are frequent.

Stiffness from using cleaning agents and dry skin

Soaps are alkaline, and cleaning foams dissolve fat. How often have we heard the phrase “My skin is dry and tense after cleaning”? It’s obvious where that comes from. The necessary lipids are broken down by surfactants, soaps, and alcohol, making the skin’s surface porous. Increased moisture loss results from this. The protective role of the acidic hydro-lipid coating is also removed by a high pH value. It becomes ineffective at purging pollutants from your skin.

Impure skin caused by aggressive facial cleansing

Traditionally, oily skin is associated with unclean skin. But beginning in your mid-20s or 30s, pimples are frequently accompanied by tightness and dryness. Inadequate care is partly to blame for this. They are foams and gels that are antibacterial, clarifying, and clean with potent surfactants or alcohol. But they also remove the hydrolipid layer that serves as a pest deterrent. Additionally, they target both “good” and “needed” bacteria for healthy skin flora. Simply said, harsh cleaning practices harm your skin.

Therefore, cleaning with mere water in the morning will strengthen your skin’s defenses against pollutants if you frequently break out or have mild acne. You can save a lot of money if you merely wash your face with water in the morning.

Because of their ability to dissolve fat, face cleansers frequently have a wide range of additional items. They are meant to strike a balance between the pH level, lipid loss, and dryness. Of course, we must all give attention to the fundamentals. Both sun protection and a quality moisturizer are essential. But after that? Is it necessary for our medicine cabinet to be overflowing with cosmetics?

The adage “too much hurts the skin more than reasonable” is applicable here. Contact allergies and Sensitive skin, especially in severe forms like perioral dermatitis, are on the rise for a reason. The constant back and forth of cleansing, toning, creaming, mattifying, makeup, and other procedures overwhelm the skin. You’ve already made the first and most crucial step toward simplification if you go without cleaning supplies in the morning. Dare to do so; the outcome will stun you!

You are probably not willing to experiment if you believe that despite diligent scrubbing, you can’t win the battle against shiny skin and pimples. But it’s worth it for this one! Try not to use a cleansing product in the morning if your skin is tight and sensitive in some areas but your pimples won’t go away.

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