Which Skincare ingredient is best for acne?
Salicylic acid is the most widely used solution to visibly reduce the signs of acne. Therefore, try to use products that contain this substance. However, there are several alpha hydroxy acids, such as glycolic acid and benzoyl peroxide, that can also be effective. Which is better salicylic acid or glycolic acid? Salicylic acid and Glycolic acid can be complementary and their use is sometimes confused. Therefore, we see it convenient to explain which is better in each case. Glycolic acid is more effective when you have dry, dull skin, signs of acne or age spots, due to its ability to exfoliate the epidermis. However, salicylic acid is best if you…
The Advantages of Tea Tree
The essential oil of the tea tree has many advantages, especially about inflammation of the skin.
Why use collagen?
It is therefore normal to deduce that it is a beneficial element for your skin and your body. But what exactly is collagen?
Discover the 3 miracle products for an instant radiance boost and radiant and healthy skin!
Does your face look grey? Do you have a dull and tired complexion? You want to regain radiant and luminous skin. Stress, pollution and fatigue are the main culprits of a dull complexion. Discover the 3 miracle products for an instant radiance boost and radiant and healthy skin! Exfoliation, the lethal weapon against dull complexion For our skin to regain its natural radiance, it must be helped to get rid of the dead skin cells responsible for the dull complexion. For this, you should choose an anti-pollution exfoliation scrub that will suck out all the dirt for the skin. A coffee scrub gently removes dead cells and offers an instant…
Choosing A Serum
Hydration is the secret to beautiful skin! We therefore use a day cream and a night cream but we too often neglect serums.
Choosing a Skincare Routine
We are going to give you some of the special tips and advice to get beautiful, luminous and even skin .
The Best Skincare Tips That You Can Start Using Today
Welcome to 2022! New year, new trends, and new you! What are your resolutions in 2022? More and more people now realize that maintaining good health is a great idea. Many even put health as resolutions. What about you? There are many ways to be healthy, such as consuming good foods and beverages, doing exercise, sleeping adequately, and taking oral vitamins. Not only will they make your body fit, but they will also support your physical appearance. One of the effects is your smooth skin. Healthy, good-looking, and beautiful skin will boost your self-confidence, place you in good mood and affect your mental health. Thus, taking care of your skin…
What You Need To Know About Salicylic Acid Face Serum
Each face serum type is formulated with special ingredients that meet the skin types; from normal, sensitive, dry, oily to combination skin.
Salicylic Acid Clay Mask For A Beautiful Skin
Enlarged pores and high shine also make you feel uncomfortable. Not only will affect your appearance and makeup usage, but it will also influence your mood.
How To Choose The Best Skincare Acids For Healthy Facial Skin
As the skincare and beauty market constantly evolving, there are a lot of irresistible ads of products and it is very tempting to try new ones.