Adding Acids To Your Skincare Routine: Is it really necessary?
The word acid seems to bring a scary image to your mind. However, when it is used at the right and accurate concentrations, acid is a very beneficial ingredient needed in skincare products. What is acid anyway? According to Dr. Dendy Engelman who is Elizabeth Arden Consulting Dermatologist, acids help people fight against dyspigmentation, wrinkles, and acne. Let’s learn more about acids to find out why you need them in our skincare regimens.
Differin vs. Tretinoin: 5 Things That Make Them Different
Retinoids (a group of medications that come from vitamin A) treat acne. Tretinoin and Differin are some of the commonly used retinoids which treat acne However, these medications differ significantly with regards to their strengths and effectiveness in treating acne. On paper, these medications look similar; however, they have factors that distinguish them
What is your skin type? And how to care for it?
Healthy skin is divided into four types: normal, dry, oily and combination skin. Internal and external factors contribute to our skin type. Many women have been using the wrong care and cleaning products for years because they misjudge their skin type. That is why you should determine your skin type.
10 Best Face Moisturizers For Avoiding Dry, Cracked Skin
Moisturizing the skin becomes necessary during the winter season. The dry and volatile environmental conditions make the skin dry, flaky, and itchy, and the need for moisturizers increases. Moisturizer is an essential product of daily skincare routine and helps to maintain skin moisture. It protects the skin from any sort of environmental damage. Quality moisturizers help to soothe and repair dry, itchy, and irritated skin. If you face the serious problems of itchy, severely dry, and flaky skin and reside in a cold climate then you should opt for a ticker formula that is designed for your specific skin conditions. Go for the moisturizer which is jam-packed with hydrating ingredients…
Introduction to glycation and its prevention
Have you ever thought of anything sweet that can damage your skin? Have you taken a look at the wrinkles of aged people? This is where the glycation is present. Normally, glycation exists in the skin in the form of wrinkles and cross-hatched lines. The wrinkles are normally seen as parallel to each other and they are linear. But the wrinkles that are caused by glycation are not linear, they cross over one another. Mostly they are present upon the cheeks and under the chin.
Fungal acne- A hoax?
Do you have acne? Are those pesty little things annoying you to no end? Have you tried everything every beauty blogger recommended to clear your acne? Have you used every OTC treatment(like Salicylic acid, niacinamide, benzoyl peroxide, adapelene to name a few) and did not get the result you were looking for? Stopped using makeup because it looks too cakey and in the end inflames those monsters? Don’t worry. This happens to quite a lot of of people. Now, if you have tried everything for your acne and it did not work, it is possible that you do not merely have acne but a skin infection- Fungal acne.
What Does Salicylic Acid Do For Your Skin, Exactly?
If you are suffering from skin acne problems such as inflammation, redness, pimple related issues or want to get rid of your dead skin cells, this article can prove to be very helpful to you. If you’re not already familiar with salicylic acid, it belongs to salicylates, a class of drugs. Salicylic acid is very effective in shedding dead skin cells.